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How to Handle Alerts and Popups in Selenium

In this article, we will explore how to handle different types of JavaScript popups — alerts, confirm boxes, and prompt boxes — using Selenium. Each popup requires immediate user interaction and can be managed with driver.switch_to.alert. We will use methods like accept(), dismiss(), and send_keys() to interact with these. Follow the below steps to implement […]

Locating Strategies in Selenium : Locating by Id

Locators in Selenium are essential tools that help automate the tests to identify and interact with elements on a web page within the Document Object Model (DOM). It acts as a unique identifier for web elements, allowing testers to perform various actions such as clicking buttons, entering text, or validating the presence of elements. Selenium […]

Installing Selenium and Configuring Web Driver

This article setting up Selenium for web automation by installing the Selenium library using pip. Additionally, you’ll configure the required WebDriver (e.g., ChromeDriver or GeckoDriver) to interact with web browsers, ensuring your environment is ready for seamless browser automation. Install Selenium via pip Verify the installation Download the Appropriate WebDriver Selenium requires a browser-specific WebDriver […]

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