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Revolutionizing Data Handling: How AI Transforms Query Optimization Across Industries

The practical impact of AI-driven query optimization can be seen across various industries, revolutionizing how businesses operate and innovate. From streamlining e-commerce searches to accelerating healthcare research and enhancing financial fraud detection, AI is making databases more efficient and intelligent. Below are some specific examples of how AI is being applied to solve real-world data […]

Streamlit-Based Machine Learning Model for Iris Flower Dataset

In this activity, you will build an interactive web application for classifying Iris flower species using Streamlit and a Random Forest Classifier algorithm. This practical is a hands-on demonstration of combining machine learning and web application development to create a user-friendly tool for predictive analysis. Streamlit is an open-source Python framework for data scientists and AI/ML […]

How to Locate Elements using XPath in Selenium

In this article, you’ll learn how to interact with form elements on a web page using XPath locators in Selenium WebDriver. By locating elements like input fields and buttons with XPath, you’ll automate actions such as typing text and clicking buttons. This is a fundamental skill in web automation and testing. Below you can find […]

How to Handle Checkboxes in Selenium

This article explains how to handle checkboxes using Selenium in Python. It includes locating checkboxes on a web page using their unique identifiers, verifying their initial selection state, toggling their selection by clicking, and printing the state changes to the console. 1. Import the Necessary Libraries, creating an driver instance and navigating to the specified […]

How to Take Screenshot in Selenium WebDriver

This article explains how to capture screenshots using Selenium WebDriver in Python. It includes screenshots of a specific web element and the entire webpage. The captured screenshots are saved in a specified directory on the local machine. 1. Create a Python file 2. Locate the web element and take a screenshot of that particular element […]

How to handles Drop down in selenium

This article demonstrates how to handle dropdown menus using the Select class in Selenium with Python. By interacting with a dropdown on the Selenium web form page, we perform operations such as selecting options by visible text, value, and index, retrieving the currently selected option, and printing all available options. Tasks The Selenium web form […]

How to Handle Alerts and Popups in Selenium

In this article, we will explore how to handle different types of JavaScript popups — alerts, confirm boxes, and prompt boxes — using Selenium. Each popup requires immediate user interaction and can be managed with driver.switch_to.alert. We will use methods like accept(), dismiss(), and send_keys() to interact with these. Follow the below steps to implement […]

Locating Strategies in Selenium : Locating by Id

Locators in Selenium are essential tools that help automate the tests to identify and interact with elements on a web page within the Document Object Model (DOM). It acts as a unique identifier for web elements, allowing testers to perform various actions such as clicking buttons, entering text, or validating the presence of elements. Selenium […]

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