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7 C’s of DevOps
  1. Continuous Development
  2. Continuous Integration
  3. Continuous Testing
  4. Continuous Deployment/Continuous Delivery
  5. Continuous Monitoring
  6. Continuous Feedback
  7. Continuous Operations


In Continuous Development code is written in small, continuous bits rather than all at once, Continuous Development is important in DevOps because this improves efficiency every time a piece of code is created, it is tested, built, and deployed into production. Continuous Development raises the standard of the code and streamlines the process of repairing flaws, vulnerabilities, and defects. It facilitates developers’ ability to concentrate on creating high-quality code.


The most important phases of the DevOps lifecycle are ongoing integration. Upgraded programming and add-on functionality and additions are created and merged into the current code during this phase. Moreover, throughout this stage, errors in the program are recognized and detected at every stage via the testing phase, and the source code is updated correspondingly. The stage transforms integration into a continual process in which code is evaluated after each commit. In addition, the necessary tests are planned during this period. 

Jenkin, GitLab CI, and CircleCI are some of the DevOps tools used to improve the program process more efficiently.


Any firm can deploy continuous testing with the use of the agile and DevOps methodologies. Depending on our needs, we can perform continuous testing using automation testing tools such as Selenium, Lambda etc. With these tools, we can test our code and prevent problems and code smells, as well as test more quickly and intelligently. With the aid of a continuous integration platform like Jenkins, the entire process can be automated, which is another added benefit.


Continuous Deployment is the process of automatically deploying an application into the production environment when it has completed testing and the build stages. Here, we’ll automate everything from obtaining the application’s source code to deploying it.

Continuous Delivery is the process of deploying an application into production servers manually when it has completed testing and the build stages. Here, we’ll automate the continuous integration processes, however, manual involvement is still required for deploying it to the production environment.


DevOps lifecycle is incomplete if there was no Continuous Monitoring. Continuous Monitoring can be achieved with the help of Prometheus and Grafana we can continuously monitor and can get notified before anything goes wrong with the help of Prometheus we can gather many performance measures, including CPU and memory utilization, network traffic, application response times, error rates, and others. Grafana makes it possible to visually represent and keep track of data from time series, such as CPU and memory utilization


Once the application is released into the market the end users will use the application and they will give us feedback about the performance of the application and any glitches affecting the user experience after getting multiple feedback from the end users’ the DevOps team will analyze the feedbacks given by end users and they will reach out to the developer team tries to rectify the mistakes they are performed in that piece of code by this we can reduce the errors or bugs that which we are currently developing and can produce much more effective results for the end users also we reduce any unnecessary steps to deploy the application. Continuous Feedback can increase the performance of the application and reduce bugs in the code making it smooth for end users to use the application.


The continuous operations phase involves the reduction or elimination of planned downtime like scheduled maintenance. The goal of this phase is to increase the uptime or the time the users can use the application. Companies use container management systems like kubernetes or Swarm in this phase.

When developers want to make updates to the production server, usually they have to take it offline and make changes to it. This would increase the downtime of the software bringing loss to the organization.

To decrease and eliminate that downtime, they can use Kubernetes. They take a container with the software managed by Kubernetes and make the necessary changes to it, while Kubernetes runs another container containing the current version of the software. When the team deploys the software with changes, Kubernetes make those changes to all the containers present in the server without the team manually doing it.

7 C’s of DevOps

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