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A pipeline refers to a set of automated processes and tools that enable the continuous integration (CI) and continuous delivery (CD) of software applications.

Jenkins pipeline can be defined using two different scripts- Declarative and Scripted.

The Declarative Pipeline offers a simpler and more human-friendly approach by using a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to define stages, steps, and directives. In contrast, the Scripted Pipeline provides more flexibility and customisation through the use of the Groovy Scripting Language.


  1. Declarative Pipeline: It is designed to provide a simplified and human-friendly syntax for defining Pipelines. It uses a Domain-Specific Language (DSL) to outline the entire Pipeline’s structure in a series of stages, steps, and directives. This type of Pipeline promotes readability and maintainability by offering a streamlined approach to defining tasks. It also comes with built-in error checking and validation, reducing the chances of common mistakes.
  2. Scripted Pipeline: Scripted pipelines are defined using Groovy DSL (Domain Specific Language), providing more flexibility and programmability compared to declarative pipelines. They are useful for complex automation needs where you need full control over the flow and logic of your pipeline. Scripted pipelines are defined within a JenkinsFile and allow you to use the full power of Groovy to define your build and deployment process.
  3. Multibranch Pipeline: It is used for projects with multiple branches in Version Control Repositories. It automates the creation of individual Pipelines for each branch, ensuring that code changes in different branches are tested and deployed independently. This approach is viable when dealing with feature branches, bug fixes, and different development streams. The Multibranch Pipeline simplifies the management of various branches by automatically adapting the Pipeline to the specific context of each branch, enabling efficient testing and deployment across different code streams.
  4. Shared Library Pipeline: It address the need for reusable and standardised Pipeline logic across multiple projects. By creating a shared library of Pipeline code, development teams can ensure consistency in practices and reduce code duplication. This approach centralises the management of Pipeline logic, making it easier to implement changes, improvements, or updates across various projects.

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