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Author : Richa Arora

Creating Buttons with Flutter’s ElevatedButton and Container

Buttons play a crucial role in user interaction, and Flutter’s Container and ElevatedButton combo is a powerhouse for creating eye-catching buttons Using Button Widget 1. Flexible Design with Expanded: The button’s flexibility is showcased through the Expanded widget, allowing it to adapt and fill available space. 2. Using Container : The outer Container serves a […]

Flutter’s Hot Reload

One of the key factors that sets Flutter apart in the world of app development is its powerful and efficient “Hot Reload” feature. If you’re a developer looking to streamline your workflow and boost productivity, understanding how Hot Reload works and why it’s so beneficial is essential. What is Hot Reload? Flutter’s Hot Reload is […]

Exploring the Power of Dart in Flutter Development

Flutter, a UI toolkit from Google, has taken the world of mobile app development by storm with its ability to create natively compiled applications for mobile, web, and desktop from a single codebase. At the heart of Flutter is Dart, a programming language that plays a crucial role in making Flutter applications fast, expressive, and […]

Association, Aggregation, and Composition in UML

Unified Modeling Language (UML) is a visual language used in software design. It’s just like preparing the design model before constructing the building. In UML, we use three key concepts to define how classes and objects relate to each other: association, aggregation, and composition. Example: Consider a “Teacher” class and a “Student” class. An association […]

Regular Containers vs. Init Containers

Containerization is all about making your applications run smoothly in isolated environments. In this world, there are two distinct types of containers: regular containers and init containers. These two serve different roles, and understanding their differences is crucial for efficiently managing your containerized applications. Regular Containers Init Containers By understanding the difference between these two […]

External vs. Internal Access: NodePort vs. ClusterIP Services in Kubernetes

Kubernetes services are a crucial component in managing network communication between various parts of applications running within a Kubernetes cluster. They provide a stable endpoint for accessing pods, even as pods come and go due to scaling or failures. There are different types of services in Kubernetes, such as ClusterIP, NodePort, and LoadBalancer, each designed […]

Kubernetes Namespaces

Kubernetes, the popular container orchestration platform, is renowned for its robust capabilities in managing containerized applications. However, as your Kubernetes cluster grows and becomes more complex, organizing your workloads can become a challenge. This is where Kubernetes Namespaces come to the rescue. Understanding Kubernetes Namespaces Think of Kubernetes Namespaces as virtual partitions within your Kubernetes […]

Understanding Kubernetes Jobs

Kubernetes Jobs is a feature designed to execute tasks within a Kubernetes cluster. These tasks are typically short-lived and run to completion, ensuring that they are executed reliably and successfully. It’s a valuable resource for managing batch processing or one time execution tasks that has a defined start and end point in a Kubernetes environment. […]

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